Robb Misso
Robb Misso
Global Vice President of Operations
Global Vice President of Operations
About Robb Misso
Robb’s driving passion is workforce / leadership development; He speaks within the community promoting these initiatives. Robb is actively involved in advocacy for the domestic manufacturing and Semiconductor Industries attending annual trips to Washington D.C. meeting with congress in an effort to bring strategic focus to our national interest in these areas.
As CEO / Founder of Dynamic Manufacturing Solutions (DMS), Robb channelled his passion for leadership and "Made in the USA" creating a manufacturing company focused on re-shoring manufacturing from outside the USA to Central TX. This created one of the fastest growing companies in Texas proving American innovation wins over cheap labor. With 30 years of manufacturing leadership, Misso knows how the global technology outsourcing practices affect people on all sides. His enthusiastic approach to addressing the challenges in American manufacturing has helped to create innovative growth within the industry and its impacted communities.
Supporting community is something Mr. Misso practices outside of the office, as well. The winner of Austin's 2018 "Recognize Good Award," Misso also has served on the American Heart Associations' executive committee and created multiple partnerships between his company and non-profit organizations. Misso serves as co-founder of the Austin Regional Manufacturer's Association and in June of 2019 was awarded the National Visionary Leadership Award by the National Association of Manufacturers
Misso believes in encouraging a culture filled with humble people efficiently communicating and executing new proactive ideas. The inclusive vision and implementation Mr. Misso strives for is the reason DMS prospered in its industry at a time when domestic manufacturing jobs were fading from the market.
After ten thriving years in manufacturing supporting customers from Semiconductor to Pharma DMS was acquired by Ultra Clean Technologies (UCT) on 4-15-19. This gave Robb's business partner and Mentor, Randy Rehmann, the opportunity to focus on his fight against cancer and gave DMS the opportunity to spread its growing leadership culture into a much larger global organization.
Robb and the DMS team greatly exceeded the commitments made in the acquisition and gave Robb the opportunity to close this door and move on to future challenges and opportunities utilizing what he has learned in the EV Industry as the Global VP of Operations for CeLLink Corp.
Ultimately Robb's goal is to be a better leader tomorrow than he is today and he will always strive to learn and grow."A good leader is a person who takes a little more than his share of the blame and a little less than his share of the credit."
- John C. Maxwell
Current position
Board Member of Texas State Technical College System Board of Regents
Jan 2023 - Present
Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Robb J. Misso to the Texas State Technical College (TSTC) System Board of Regents for a term set to expire on August 31, 2023.
Robb J. Misso of Cedar Park is vice president of Global Operations for CeLLink Corporation. Previously, he served as the global vice president of Ultra Clean Technology, and CEO of Dynamic Manufacturing Solutions, LLC for 10 years, and prior to that he served as the director of business development for UCT. He is a contributing writer and member of the Forbes Business Development Council and member of Entrepreneurs’ Organization and the Maxwell Leadership Team. He is a member of the TSTC East Williamson County Higher Education Center Council of Advocates and a board member and former chairman of the Austin Regional Manufacturers Association. Additionally, he is a former member of the P-TECH Leadership Team and the American Heart Association Executive Leadership Team and former vice president of the Austin Community College: Welding Technology Advisory Board. Misso attended Radford University and the University of Colorado.
CelLink Corporation, Vice President Of Global Operations
Sep 2021 - Present
CelLink was founded in 2011 to develop very large, high-conductance flexible circuits for the solar, LED, and battery industries. Since then, our founders and team have focused on developing products that are not only the best at what they do but that provides for a more sustainable future.
Now, with the onset of electrification and autonomy in the automotive industry, it is more critical than ever that the industry adopt intelligent wiring systems that minimize complexity and weight. CelLink is both a supporter and driver of change within this movement.
Contributing Writer and
Council Member
Aug 2019 - Present
Being a part of the Forbes Business Council gives me the opportunity to share what I am learning regarding business development and leadership and just as importantly gives me the opportunity to learn from an incredible group of people who have a desire to share what they know and what they are learning. Being a part of the Forbes Business Council gives me the opportunity to share what I am learning regarding business development and leadership and just as importantly gives me the opportunity to learn from an incredible group of people who have a desire to share what they know and what they are learning.
Ultra Clean Technology, Global Vice President
April 2019- Present
With the acquisition of Dynamic Manufacturing Solutions on April 15th, 2019, Mr. Misso is back home at UCT. They will be focused on the integration and global P&L for UCT's Welding Operations in (Austin, TX, and Hayward, CA) supporting USA manufacturing, and Operations in China and the Philippines focused on their global customers. The outcome will be one global process for supporting customers globally. They will also be focused on providing a positive influence on the Leadership Culture of UCT utilizing what Misso learned and developed at DMS.
The John Maxwell Team, Leadership Coach
March 2019- Present
John Maxwell is Inc. Magazine's #1 leadership and management expert in the world. In 2011, he launched the John Maxwell Team with an expert faculty to teach the Maxwell Method and help leaders worldwide.
I have invested in the JMT training to raise my personal leadership lid to help foster leadership in my current job and life. I utilize what I am learning whenever I have the opportunity to speak on Leadership, Culture, and the importance of developing a Skilled Workforce both hard and soft skills. I have invested in the JMT training to raise my personal leadership lid to help foster leadership in my current job and life. I utilize what I am learning whenever I have the opportunity to speak on Leadership, Culture, and the importance of developing a Skilled Workforce both hard and soft skills.
2009 - 2019
Dynamic Manufacturing Solutions is a manufacturing company located in Austin, Texas that specializes in biomedical, pharmaceutical, semiconductor, oil and gas, food and beverage and microelectronics.
Professional affiliations
Austin Regional Manufacturers Association, Founding Member & Current Board Member
2009 - Present
- ARMA is a membership driven organization dedicated to strengthening area manufacturing. We support a thriving, unique industry through advocacy, workforce development, and networking
- ARMA’s goals are to ensure that city officials and policy makers understand what’s important for manufacturers to thrive; Promote manufacturing in schools and in the community; Examine the workforce with the aim to ensure that companies get great applicants, that employed workers have the opportunity for professional development, and that in the next ten to fifteen years, that the labor pool will have the skills necessary to support growth in industry; Host events that provide relevant information on key issues affecting business and create forums to build relationships across companies and industries.
- Currently ARMA has committees working to solve problems and inform members in the following areas: Workforce, Lean Manufacturers (comprised of professionals dedicated to continuous improvement), Energy, Programs, and Membership
Austin Regional Manufacturers Association, Chairman of the Board
The chairman's primary role is to ensure that the board is effective in its task of setting and implementing ARMA’s direction and strategy as an association
Junior Achievement of Central Texas, Board Member
2018 - Present
JA of Central Texas is a locally run non-profit organization. Our board and staff members are deeply connected to the communities we serve. We fiercely believe that all young people need connection with caring adults and exposure to the wider world around them to achieve their potential. Over the last three years, we've served more than 12,000 local youth and are poised to take our programs to scale across Central Texas. JA equips young people with tools to navigate our rapidly changing workforce so that they may live productive, fulfilling lives regardless of their circumstances. JA curates project-based learning experiences for young people in schools, after-school programs and in partnership with local organizations such as Breakthrough Austin, the African American Youth Harvest Foundation and Boys and Girls Club of Austin. Junior Achievement is dedicated to educating students about workforce readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy through experiential, hands-on programs and serves 10 million young people annually in more than 120 countries
Director of Business Development
Feb 2002 - Mar 2009
Ultra Clean Technology initially hired me to manage a key account team from sales and marketing, to field support and business strategy. This key account is today UCT's largest customer globally and has helped UCT become a multibillion-dollar company. Once this business moved into a sustaining focus I transitioned into a position focused on leading a New Business Development team growing UCT's industry focus with new customers in new regions of the world. This opportunity truly introduced me to the challenges and growth opportunities in manufacturing Semiconductor equipment in the United States. This was a very pivotal job in my professional career. I took what I learned and applied it to creating Dynamic Manufacturing Solutions and the leadership and culture focus I have today.
Central Regional Manager
Jan 2000 - Jan 2002
Sales Representative
Nov 1993 - Dec 1999
This was my first professional job out of college. I was given this opportunity by Spence Lasley and Tim Foster and what I learned in this position has been the foundation of my 30+ year career in the technology industry. In this role, I sold and marketed front-end manufacturing, inspection, and support equipment to the Semiconductor, Thin Film Head, Tape Drive, and Disk Drive Industries in the Western USA and Europe. I had the opportunity to create and manage a sales office in MN and Southern CA and train an international network of sales representatives on new technology advancements in the Semiconductor Equipment Industry. I was given the opportunity to learn the Semiconductor manufacturing process from final inspection and backend packaging to the pulling of monocrystalline seed crystals out of melted silicon. Ultimately, I was taught the art of selling, the importance of manufacturing, and the value of hard work.
Board Of Directors: Austin Regional Manufacturers Association (ARMA)
Aug 2012 - Present
ARMA is the manufacturing voice and community for Austin, TX. We are the hub of advocacy, networking, and workforce development. I have had the opportunity to be a part of the formation and growth of this very important Association supporting the manufacturing community in Central Texas and serve as the Chairman of the Board in 2016.
EWCHEC Council of Advocates
May 2021 - Present
Act as a sounding board for the future direction and growth of TSTC in Central Texas and provide a framework for each TSTC campus to replicate this process.
Member of P-TECH Leadership Team
Sep 2018 - Present
Part of the lead time providing guidance for the P-TECH program partnered with the ACC President, Elgin Superintendent of Schools, Elgin High School Principle, and the Elgin Director of College & Career Readiness. The focus of P-TECH is to provide a path for students to move into the Skilled Workforce in Central Texas and beyond.
Vice Chairman of The Welding Technology Advisory Board
Mar 2017 - Present
Participate in supporting the Austin Community College Welding Programs by helping match the curriculum with Industry requirements.
Chairman Of The Board Of Directors
Jan 2016 - Jan 2017
ARMA’s mission is to strengthen the Central Texas manufacturing community through advocacy, workforce development, and networking. As the Chairman of the Board in 2016 we focused on the growth of membership providing the Central Texas Manufacturing Community a stronger voice in the community.
Executive Leadership Team Member
Feb 2017 - Present
University of Colorado Boulder
Studied Chemical Engineering
Honors & awards
- 2019 Manufacturing Leadership Award for "Visionary Leadership"
- 2019 Nominee for Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year
- Austin Chamber of Commerce Nominee for Austin A-List Award in 2019
- Finalist in the 2018 Austin Business Journal for "Best CEO of the Year in Central Texas"
- 2018 Central Texas Association of Corporate Growth Award for Middle Market Companies
- For the 2nd Consecutive Year: Finalist in the 2018 Greater Austin Business Awards for "Executive Leadership"
- For the 2nd Consecutive Year: Nominee for Best CEO in Austin (ABJ)
- Top Ranking for Best Places to Work
Licenses & certifications
Forbes / Councils · Aug 19, 2020
When it comes to making a business more effective and efficient, business decision-makers are turning to the raw material of big data as their yellow brick road. However, the benefits of data analytics are a direct result of what data is being measured, the perspective from which the data is interpreted, and how it is being applied to your business.
Forbes · Jul 27, 2020
It is no secret that people are resistant to change. However, change is not always a bad thing; changes in the workplace are growing pains that can facilitate growth and adaptation. The question is how, exactly, can you help co-workers embrace change rather than resist it?
WordPress · May 11, 2020
It is tempting to resort to subtle manipulation to win influence at work. Manipulating co-workers, however subtle it may be, is a mistake. It is better to gain power in the workplace by proving your merit and building goodwill with fellow employees as time progresses. The challenge lies in figuring out how to win influence in the workplace without manipulating others. Otherwise, you run the risk of being perceived as a manipulator who turns the workplace from a civil environment into one that is toxic.
Enspire Management · Mar 2, 2019
Presenteeism is the practice of turning up for work but doing the bare minimum necessary. It’s more prevalent in big companies than in small firms, but it can happen anywhere. It decreases productivity and competitiveness and leads to negative feelings among workers and complaints from customers. Robb Misso is the founder and CEO of Dynamic Manufacturing Solutions in Austin, TX. He has worked for 25 years to create manufacturing industry jobs in the United States, gaining a reputation as a compassionate and committed industry leader. Mr. Misso discusses how to combat presenteeism in your workplace.
WorthvieW · Feb 28, 2019
Most small businesses will get their first customers in their local area. That makes sense – your distribution network is likely very limited. The problem is expanding your reach. You can’t just keep appealing to the same people over and over again. You need to find new customers if you want to grow beyond the word “small”. Here, Robb Misso, the founder, and CEO of Dynamic Manufacturing Solutions in Austin, TX, shares his advice on 5 ways a business can expand its local reach.
odyssey · Feb 26, 2019
Hiring great employees is a difficult task, but hiring them for a small business or startup is far more difficult. Not only is your budget more limited, but you're also looking for a more specific kind of person. Working in a small business is inherently more difficult due to the flatter structure and greater responsibilities, so not only do you need someone skilled, you need people who can thrive under pressure. By focusing on these seven techniques detailed by Robb Misso, the CEO of DMS and a John C Maxwell Executive Council member, you can find the right people to hire for your company.
Patch.com · Nov 29, 2018
A company's cultural fit is something that should be rooted in its very own startup team and expand with every new hire. A company's culture can be somewhat hard to define, but it is, nonetheless, a significant thing for employers and hiring managers to keep in mind when building their company. When a company achieves a cultural fit with its employees, the company will have a much better time working towards its broader goals and establishing its image and brand name the way that it wants to be built. Additionally, employees will be much happier and more productive when working for a company that fits their work style and personality. For this reason, cultural fit should be a top priority for any company to look for when hiring new employees. Robb Misso, the innovative manager, and CEO, shares a few ways that companies can look for cultural fit:
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Portable Fleet Management System for Autonomous Aerial Vehicles